New streamlined design which I hope will facilitate navigation. Many, many thanks to Diane Hosenbold for her elegant design improvements, her persistence, and her willingness to revive the fine art of bartering.
This project, to create a series of web pages designed to help people
learn how to chant from the
Torah, began over 6 years ago. It has been and will continue to be a labor of love for me.
Over these last 6 years, I have tried to change and add to these pages, while at the same time learning more about creating web pages.
This project now includes a total of 6 sites; Ellie's Aycha Tropes , for the trope used on Tisha B'Av and in certain sections of the trope sung on Purim, Ellie's Purim Tropes , for the trope used on Purim, Ellie's High Holiday Tropes , for the trope used on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Ellie's Shalosh Regalim Tropes , for the trope used on Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot, and Ellie's Haftorah Tropes , used for chanting the Haftorah.
These pages are not meant to replace learning to chant in more
conventional ways; in a classroom or one on one. Rather, they are
meant to supplement, or enhance one's learning to chant Torah.
Thanks to everyone for their questions and suggestions. What
follows is the result of all of your comments.
This web site now includes RealAudio® sound files. To download
click here
If you would like to download all of my wav files for each set of tropes all at once instead
of one at a time, you can download the following zipped files:
For Torah tropes click here (3,111 kb).
For Aycha tropes click here (1,508 kb).
For Haftorah tropes click here (2,371 kb).
For High Holiday tropes click here (5,590 kb).
For Purim tropes click here (1,478 kb).
For Shalosh Regalim tropes click here (1,478 kb).
If you need an unzip program click here and
look for WinZip 8.1 for Windows95/98/NT/2000/XP.
For those who would like to hear my wav files while online, I
came across a very helpful page with suggestions for wav
players and some easy step by step instructions. Click here for Michael's Home Turf -- WAV
file utilities!
To help ease the pain of attempting to hear my new wav files on the web, I have zipped each individual file. This won't help if you want to hear these files on the web, but it will allow you to download each file faster. I know, I know. How many more ways can I make these wav files available to as many people as possible? I don't know, but if you can think of another one let me know. Zipping each individual file was the result of a suggestion I received from someone who does not read music very well and was frustrated with the length of time it took to load or download each file. I hope this will help.
For questions, comments, or tapes made to order, contact Ellie Wackerman
ellie@ellietorah.com or to ewackerm@hotmail.com

Created: April 10, 1996
Last updated: August 28, 2005